Sunday, November 15, 2009

Approaching departure date

I am now less than two months from my departure date. I will be flying to Costa Rica via Dallas/Ft. Worth on January 7th.

I am nervous about the entire experience, but at the same time I am ready to move on. While living at home has been fine, it is time for me to do something else. I have been working at a local YMCA lifeguarding, which is fine but not what I want to do long term.

In a couple of weeks I have to start the steps to securing a visa, which is my next big challenge. While some steps will be straightforward such as requesting a new birth certificate, I will be working to make sure the steps involving the Costa Rican consulate go as smoothly as possible.

In mid-December I will be finding out where specifically in Costa Rica I will be teaching. I'm excited for this part of it, since I want to know where in the country I will be.

That's all for now. Back to Nanowrimo for me.

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